Monday, November 21, 2011

Newt’s ignorance displayed once again

It is one thing to be a pompous ass.  It’s another thing to be an ignorant pompous ass.  Newt Gingrich qualifies on both points.   Nothing better demonstrates this than Professor Newt’s widely reported advice to Occupiers that they should “Go get a job right after you take a bath.”  Contrary to what Gingrich might like to believe most people participating in the Occupy movement have either a full or part-time job and, rather than being the “great unwashed” they are pretty typical Americans.

As I reported back in October, half of those participating in or supporting Occupy Wall Street work-full time.  Another quarter work part-time and most of them would like full time work if they could find it.  See:

Another survey conducted in October by Professor Costas Panagopoulos of the  
Department of Political Science of Fordham University found that 48% were employed either full or part-time.  28% were unemployed.  Additionally, Panagopoulos found that 66% had some college.  22% held a post-graduate degree.   39% said they did not identify with either political party.  25% said they were Democrats. 

15. What is your employment status (check one)
Employed full-time……………………………………………..30 
Employed part-time…………………………………………….18

20. Highest educational level completed (check one)
Some grade school…………………………………………………..1
8th grade……………………………………………………………..3
High school diploma/GED…………………………………………27 
2-year college………………………………………………………16 
4-year college………………………………………………………30

8. Generally speaking, which of the following political parties do you identify with most closely?
(check one)
Tea Party…………………………………………………….0 
Socialist Party……………………………………………...11
Green Party………………………………………………...11 
I do not identify with any party……………………………39


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