Thursday, December 15, 2011

New Polls bring BAD news for Republicans

A couple of new polls suggest that all incumbents, particularly Republican incumbents in Congress, could be in real trouble next year.  Gallup and Pew are both finding that anti-incumbent sentiment among voters is at record  levels.  2012 could shape up to be the kind of “throw-the-bums-out” election we saw in 2010 but with Republicans being hit this time with most of the voter anger.

Gallup says three-quarters of registered voters (76%) say most members of Congress SHOULD NOT be re-elected.  Nearly 40% say that includes their own representatives.

Pew Research obtained similar results:  67% in the Pew Research poll said most members of Congress SHOULD NOT be re-elected.   That's the highest anti-incumbent sentiment Pew has found in surveys going back to 1990.  33% said their own representative DID NOT deserve to be re-elected.  This anti-incumbent sentiment is higher among Independents.  73% of Independents say Most members of Congress SHOULD NOT be re-elected.  43% of Independents say their own member of Congress SHOULD NOT be re-elected.

Voters appear to be directing most of their anger toward Republicans. 

For example, in the Gallup poll:

  • 50% say we have a “Do-Nothing” Congress and 40% blame Republican leaders in Congress for that.  Only 23% blame Democratic leaders.
  • Compared to Democrats, Republicans in Congress are seen as taking MORE extreme positions, being  LESS willing to work with the other side, being LESS capable of running government and being LESS honest and ethical.

Pew had almost identical findings.  Additionally, Pew found that:
  •  Most Americans think the political system can work fine but blame members of Congress for the problem.
  • 50% say the current Congress has accomplished LESS than any recent Congress they have known.

Click on the following links to read more about the Gallup and Pew poll results:

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