Tuesday, January 17, 2012

One million say, Governor Walker must go

Organizers of the United Wisconsin movement to recall Wisconsin Republican Governor Scott Walker submitted petitions on Tuesday signed by one million Wisconsin voters.  That far exceed the 540,208 signatures required.  Additionally, they submitted petitions signed by 845,000 calling for the recall of the Republican Lieutenant Governor, Rebecca Kleefisch.  United Wisconsin is seeking the recall of Walker and Kleefisch for their support of last year’s effort to strip collective bargaining rights from Wisconsin state, county and municipal employees and teachers.

John Nichols of the Nation reports that:

The movement to oust Walker will have secured the support of a higher percentage of eligible voters than has ever before sought to recall an American governor.
No other gubernatorial recall drive in American history has gathered the signatures of so large a proportion of the electorate. The total number of signatures submitted Tuesday represents 46 percent of the turnout in the 2010 Wisconsin gubernatorial election. That compares with 23.4 percent that signed the petitions that initiated the successful recall of California Governor Gray Davis in 2003 and 31.8 percent that signed petitions to recall North Dakota Governor Lynn Frazier in 1921.

The recall election could take place as early as this spring.

Read more here: http://www.thenation.com/blog/165679/wisconsin-drive-far-exceeds-signature-requirement-scott-walkers-recall?rel=emailNation

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