Monday, November 26, 2018

Doofus Donald wants the U.S. to have its own World Wide Network..We got Five Already

Donald.  We already have our own Worldwide Network to show the World the way we really are.  In fact, we have five networks, you dufus or doofus (if you choose).  

So foolish.  So inept. So uninformed.  So DUMB.  That's Donald.
....and false way. Something has to be done, including the possibility of the United States starting our own Worldwide Network to show the World the way we really are, GREAT!

In 1942, the U.S. created the Voice of America (VOA) to tell the world about America.  Today VOA is one of five U.S. civilian broadcast networks including Radio Free Europe and Radio Free Asia as part of the U.S. Agency for Global Media. 

Look it up Doofus Donald. Or, how about just asking someone, anyone in the White House or U.S. Government.  

U.S. Agency for Global Media

Wednesday, November 14, 2018


If you watch or listen to Fox  Fox News and Fox News Personalities, most of what you learn about any topic is Mostly or Completely or Outrageously False according to Punditfact.  

Almost 60% off statements made on Fox and Fox guests are either Mostly False, False or so out of the realm of reality to get a “Pants on Fire” rating.   If you add in statements that are misleading or only half true,  Fox viewers are lied to or misled nearly 80% of the time.

Fox News is almost as bad at spreading misinformation as Trump.  According to Fact Checker, Trump averaged 5 lies or misleading claims per day during the first nine months of his presidency.  In the run up to the mid-term election, he increased his lies to a breathtaking 30 a day on average.  He topped a thousand lies in October alone. 

And you wonder how Trumpians can believe such weird stuff.  

Check out a list of the lies here:

Friday, November 9, 2018

Good Sign for 2020—States Key to Trump’s Win in 2016 Went Blue on Tuesday.

Yesterday in an article in The Nation, John Nichols made an excellent point about the significance of the 2018 Blue Wave to Democratic Party prospects in 2020.  Nichols notes in his article that Trump won in 2016 largely because he sneaked out extremely narrow victories in three traditionally Democratic states—Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania.  His victories were narrow—0.7 points in Wisconsin and Pennsylvania and just 0.2 points in Michigan.

Now fast forward to 2018.  There were six major races in the three key 2016 states Trump in 2018.  Democrats won ALL of these races.

“Three Democratic senators—Wisconsin’s Tammy Baldwin, Michigan’s Debbie Stabenow, and Pennsylvania’s Robert Casey—all won with ease. Three Democratic gubernatorial candidates—Tony Evers in Wisconsin, Gretchen Whitmer in Michigan, and Tom Wolf in Pennsylvania—were also winners.

Additionally, progressive Democrats won the races for Attorney General in both Michigan and Wisconsin.

If Democrats have similar success in these three states in 2020, Trump is going to find it very hard to win a second term.

Thursday, November 8, 2018

Why Didn’t Trumpians Run on their Economic Record?

Why didn’t Trumpians run on their economic record under Trump?  They don’t have much of a record to run on.  

What about job creation?  True, jobs are being created and unemployment is down to pre-recession levels under Trump.  However, jobs were already being created a steady rate under Obama and unemployment had been on a steady decline since 2010.  The most the Trumpians could say about jobs and unemployment is that they didn’t mess up the Obama trend.  Take a look at these charts:

What about the tax cut?  Trumpians cut taxes.  That’s true.  However, the average America didn’t see much of an increase in their after-tax income, only a slight 1.3% increase in their take home pay.  Compare that to the 3.5% increase the richest 5% of taxpayers saw in their income and the 40% tax cut corporations enjoyed and there isn’t much for Trumpians to brag about when it came to helping the average American family.

What about the deficit and fiscal responsibility?  Understandably, Trumpians don’t want to talk about the deficit.  The Trumpian tax cut is a disaster when it comes to the deficit.  The U.S. government deficit reached $770 billion in 2018, a 17% increase over 2017 before the tax cut, the highest it has been in 6 years.  The exploding deficit is largely due to a $92 billion or 31% decline in corporate tax receipts between 2017 and 2018.  Additionally, the deficit is expected to reach $981 billion in 2019 and then top $1 trillion every year thereafter.  So much for the party that decried deficits and argued for fiscal responsibility.  So much for the Trickle Down Theory.  Once again there wasn’t much of a trickle, if any at all. 

Nope, the Trumpians didn’t run on their economic record for a simple reason.  Their fiscal record is pretty bad and their economic record is nothing to shout about.


Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Could Trump Try to Use Presidential Emergency Power to Prevent Democrats from Taking Control of the House?

The President of the United States has extraordinary Emergency Powers.   FDR used those powers to put Japanese Americans in internment camps during WWII.  Truman used those powers to seize private steel mills in 1952.  The Emergency Powers of the President are broad and vague.  

Trump has said that he considers House investigations some Democrats have proposed as “a waste of Taxpayer Money” and that he would retaliate.  Just today, he fired Jeff Sessions and installed a lackey to end or restrict the Mueller Russia probe.  

It is no secret that Trump views the powers of the President as nearly unlimited.  For example, he has maintained the he can end Birthright Citizenship by executive order even though Birthright Citizenship is established by the 14th Amendment off the U.S. Constitution as affirmed by Supreme Court rulings. 

Might Trump attempt to use the Presidential Emergency Powers to stop or postpone Democrats from taking control of the House in January in order to prevent them from launching investigations that would be a “waste of Taxpayer money?” Might Trump argue that investigations by House Democrats would endanger the full and effective operation of the Executive branch at a time when the U.S. in under attack from convoys of criminals threatening to cross our southern border?  What would Trump’s good friend Putin advise?

Executive Powers of President:

Beginning of End to Mueller Russian Investigation?

Today, Trump asked for and received the resignation of Attorney General Jeff Sessions and appointed Matthew Whitaker, an outspoken critic of the Mueller Russian investigation as Acting Attorney General.   Whitaker is expected to shut down or curtail the scope of the Mueller investigation since he has stated in the past that he believes: “It is time for Rosenstein, who is the acting attorney general for the purposes of this investigation, to order Mueller to limit the scope of his investigation to the four corners of the order appointing him special counsel." 

This is probably the beginning of a Constitutional crisis over the question of presidential power to cover up illegal and/or unethical acts involving himself and/or his closest aides.

Monday, November 5, 2018

Trump Administration Mobilizing Troops to Stop Second Alien Invasion

If it wasn’t bad enough that the Trump administration has to battle the equivalent of 0.002% of the U.S. population (mostly large, evil terrorists disguised as small children) INVADING the U.S. from Mexico, the administration now finds itself having to defend the country from hoards of winter-adverse Canadians in flip-flops loading up their mini-vans with decent beer and forming convoys determined to reach Florida before the first snow.  Loyal Americans are terrified that the invading hoards from the north will overrun swimming pools and switch sports bar TVs to hockey games rather than football.  Read this scary story here: 

Friday, November 2, 2018

Trump Says Immigrants are Criminals. HE LIES

Trump says immigrants, particular those entering the U.S. illegally, are criminals.  Are they?  Once again Trump is telling a total lie.  Here are the facts.

In 2015 the National Academy of Sciences released the results of a study on crime rates by immigrants.  It found that, ”Immigrants are in fact much less likely to commit crime than natives, and the presence of large numbers of immigrants seems to lower crime rates." The study added that, ”this disparity also holds for young men most likely to be undocumented immigrants: Mexican, Salvadoran, and Guatemalan men.”

The libertarian Cato Institute studied the issue.  It found that, ”Illegal immigrants are 44 percent less likely to be incarcerated than natives. Legal immigrants are 69 percent less likely to be incarcerated than natives. Legal and illegal immigrants are underrepresented in the incarcerated population while natives are overrepresented.”

The American Immigration Council found that while 1.6 immigrant males were incarcerated, 3.3 percent of native-born males were in prison.  The Council also found that, “incarceration rates of young, less educated Mexican, Salvadoran and Guatemalan men — which comprise the bulk of the unauthorized population — are "significantly lower" than incarceration rates of native-born young men without a high-school diploma.”  The Council said: “for Mexican men ages 18 to 39, the incarceration rate in 2010 was 2.8 percent, compared to 10.7 percent for native-born men in the same age group.”

Finally, Politifact looked at the period between 1990 and 2013.  It found that, “the foreign-born share of the U.S. population increased from 7.9 percent to 13.1 percent, and the number of unauthorized immigrants went up from 3.5 million to 11.2 million. At the same time, the violent crime rate (murder, rape and aggravated assault) decreased 48 percent and property crime rate fell 41 percent” according to FBI data.  More immigrants resulted in LESS crime, not more.

FACT:  Immigrants, legal or illegal, do not commit crimes any more often than native-born Americans.  In fact, an immigrant from Mexico, Salvador or Guatemala is, if anything, is LESS likely to commit a crime than a person born in the United States.  Trump is trying to fool you.


Thursday, November 1, 2018

Research Evidence: We Should Welcome Asylum Seekers, Not Resist Them

A body of research on the impact of immigration on income levels suggests that instead of resisting immigrants and asylum seekers, we should welcome them with open arms and help them transition to full citizenship as soon as possible.  

Specifically, research suggests that “a 1 percentage point increase in the share of migrants in the adult population can raise GDP per capita by up to 2 percent in the long term.”  See:  

The increase in GDP comes from a combination of labor productivity increases and an increase in the ratio of working-age to total population.  Both high- and low-skilled immigrants raise labor productivity, the benefits of which are shared in average per-capita income growth for the bottom 90 percent and top 10 percent of wage earners.  An increase in high-skilled immigrants tends to benefit the top 10 percent more whereas an increase in lower-skilled immigrant workers benefits the top 10 and bottom 90 percent of wage earners equally.

The GDP benefit from an increase in the ratio of working-age population is most pronounced when the host economy is an advanced economy with an aging population and the immigrant population is working age or younger.

The research suggests that not only should we welcome immigrants and asylum seekers but that we should adopt programs and policies to help their transition/assimilation process by, for example, providing language training, helping immigrants access and upgrade their existing skills, and reducing barriers to entrepreneurship.  In short, we should help immigrants to become fully employed and integrated into U.S. society as quickly as possible.

Read more on this research here:

Good News for Democrats--Young, Black and Hispanic Turnout Up Sharply in Battleground States

Analysis of early voting in key battleground states indicate that early voting among key Democratic Party leaning groups is way up compared to 2014.   In Georgia, voting by 18 20 29 year-olds in up an amazing 429% and 571% among Hispanics.  African-American voting is up 165%.

We are seeing similar results in Texas
18-29. +503%
Hispanic +214%
African-American +208%

In both states, the increase in turnout vs 2014 is higher among Democrats and Independents than among Republicans;

Check out the charts below:

For information about turnout in other battleground states go to:

For additional information on early voting turnout go here: